Thursday 26 July 2018

Facts about HEDGEHOGS!

Hedgehogs are mammals. And they live for around seven years in the wild. There habitat is grass land, woodlands and meadows. Hedgehogs are famous for their prickly spines, their prickly spine are all over their body except for their face, legs and bellies. They use their spine and defence, for when their sleeping and facing enemies. They curl up in a small ball and tucking the legs and face from the enemie. there are fifteen different species in Europe. 

Thursday 7 June 2018

Science experiments!

Try out this NEW science

Create your own corny goo!

All you need is:
1: water
2: 2 tbsp corn starch
3: bowl
4: spoon

1: Put two tbsp corn starch into a bowl.
2: add a tbsp of the water to the corn starch, stirring well with the spoon keep adding a few drops of water a time until thick and creamy.
3: Pick up the goo and roll it between your fingers. Stop rolling- what happens


Science experiment

Check out this cool science experiment!

Create your own sugar crystals:
all you need:
1: 4 tsp sugar{caster sugar works}
2: 20 tsp water
3: food dye{any colour you want}
5: sunny spot

1: Stir in the sugar into the water until it dissolves {disappears}
2: Add a few drops of food dye, i used blue.
3: Leave the  bowl in the sunny spot for a few days then you may have sugar crystals


Thursday 17 May 2018

please give e some ideas of what i should do next on my blog pleeaaasseeee i REAALLLY need some more ideas.

Monday 9 April 2018


CHIMPANZEES-the most intelligent animals on earth
You may think chimpanzees are monkeys,  but they belong to the ape family.
There related to Gorillas and Orangutans and they are NOT related to us.They live in forests, woodland areas and dry savannahs.
Chimpanzees are some of the most intelligent animals on earth. They use tools to catch food, they use sticks to find termites and rocks to crack open nuts. They can learn new things. They can even play computer games! Chimpanzees communicate with each other by panting and barking or drumming. Boy chimpanzees stay in groups there whole live, females join a new group when they grow up. Some times male chimpanzees fight with each other. Chimpanzees eat fruit and plants, but they also hunt. They eat lizards, frogs and even small monkeys! Chimps are endangered. because people are cutting down trees in their habitat. The chimps have no where to go. Chimps groom each other to show friendship, they also pull bugs and dirt out of each others fur. Chimps sleep in nests made of leaves and they have babies in these nest too. Chimps chew up leaves to make sponges, they sop up water to drink. Chimpanzees mothers carry there babies on there back for 4 or over years. They remain close to them there whole lives.
If you know any more facts about chimps please let me know in the comments below i would love to hear them thats all for now



Tuesday 13 March 2018


Easter is soon and easter eggs are already in stores. Some people  think its all about the chocolate and the easter bunny coming,  but no we celebrate easter because Jesus died on the cross to forgive our sins for us. So we should think about that on easter day, about JESUS

Thursday 8 March 2018

queen Elizabeth the second

all about queen Elizabeth the second:

Queen Elizabeth was born in 2:40 pm on 21st April  1926. She has two birthdays a year, her real birthday is on April 21st. she was crowned on the 2 June 1953.
Her favourite dogs are called corgis, she also made a new breed  she bred a corgis and a dachshund, and its called a Dorgi. She is the only person in the UK to drive without a licence, she still drive today. The queen sent her first email in 1976. She has many hobbies like, horse riding, pigeon racing and football. The queen has sent around 50,000 Christmas cards. She owns one elephant, two giant turtles, a jaguar, and a pair of sloths, all presents from other countries, all of them live in London zoo. THE END

by Anika Herring

please if you know more about her tell me in the comments below, i would love to hear them thanks for reading

Wednesday 7 March 2018

all about Roald Dahl

Roald Dahl:
Roald Dahl wrote many of his stores in a little shed at the bottom of his garden, known as his writing hut, Dahl sat in a battered old armchair
and wrote famous tales such as Matilda  and Charlie and the chocolate factory. He was a fighter pilot in world war 2, durning a fight in a
Gloster  gladiator ( fighter plane) in 1940 over Libya, Dahl crash landed in the desert and survived all because some one told him the wrong directions. Roald Dahl wrote four hours every day. Roald Dahl never learned how to write on the computer. Roald Dahl was a spy in world war 2. He invented over 250 words. Many of Dahls characters were based on real people he had met in real life. He was born in wales next to England. He was not very good at writing in school his teachers said. In 1971, a real man named willy Wonka  wrote to Dahl, he was a post man. Roald Dahl was very tall he was 6 foot and 6 inches.
When Roald Dahl died in 1990 he was buried next to his favourite things like,
a power drill, chocolate, and of course HB pencils.

          the end 

Tuesday 6 March 2018


All about spain:

Spain is a beautiful country, and has a population of just under 47 million
is the sixth largest in Europe.
The Spanish name for Spain is Espana. Spain is located in Europe.
Football is the most popular sport Spain. In Spain the drive on the right
hand side on the road. Spain includes a number of islands  including Mallorca, Tenerife ,Ibiza and gran
Canaria. Many can be found in the canary islands.

learn a bit of Spainish:

hello: hola
thanks: gracias
please: por favor
your welcome: de nada
apples: manzana

numbers in Spainish:
  1      2           3           4          5            6          7         8              9              10
Uno   dos     Tres    Cuatro   Cinco      Seis    Seite    Ocho       Nueve       Diez

This is Spain at night time it is beautiful

    This is some of what sSpain people eat

Please tell me some more facts in the commants below that i may have missed
i would love to hear about them, i am learning about Spain at the moment.

by Anika Herring

Sunday 11 February 2018

 sorry i have not been writing on my blog, i have been very busy i will start writing tomorrow,
tuesday 11 febury 2018.