Wednesday, 10 May 2017

Image result for cow   
There are over well over one billion cows in the world.Cattle are herbivores that eat vegetation such as grass.Cattle are sacred to India.There are an estimated 300 million cattle in India.Young cattle are generally known as calves.Adult female cattle are generally known as  cows.Adult male cattle that are not castrated are generally called bulls.Cattle are red/green are colour blind.In the sometimes controversial sport of bull fighting, bulls are angered by the movement of the cape rather than its red.Meat from a adult cattle is known as beef.Meat from a calve is known as veal.Cattle trained to be draft animals are known as oxen (ox). 
There are over one billion sheep in the world.A group of sheep is known as a herd, or a mob.Young sheep are called lambs.Adult sheep are called rams.China has the largest number of sheep in the world.Adult female sheep are known as ewes.Sheep are herbivores that eat vegetation such as grass.Sheep have a  field vision of around of 300 degrees, allowing them to see behind themselves without having to turn there head around.The digestive system  of sheep features four chambers that help break  down what they eat.Sheep stay close to others in a herd which makes it easier to move around together to new pastures.Image result for sheep

warrior cats

Image result for warrior cats Warrior cats is a active book i read them too, they are heaps in the series there is over 50 books. You can get them from the public library in invercargill.Image result for warrior cats

meat loaf

  Image result for cute puppies


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animaljam is a  game to chat, host partys, make friends,and most of all have fun.
Mine craft s a game where you can build houses and survive and create. Poptropica is a game where you go on journeys and meet new people.
Related image ANIMALJAMImage result for mine craftMINE CRAFT
POPTROPICA Image result for poptropica

please i beg dont do it

Image result for funny cats


Image result for funny guinea pigs
Image result for pigpigs are very dirty animals.There are around 2 billion pigs in the world.Some people like to keep pigs as pets.Wild pigs are called boars,they are often hunted in the wild.Relative to their body size, pigs have small lungs.Pigs have an excellent sense of smell.Pigs are intelligent animals.Like humans, pigs are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals.A pigs nose is an important tool for finding food in the ground and sensing the world around them.Pigs can pass on a variety of diseases to humans.Image result for pig

Tuesday, 9 May 2017

i love violin

Image result for cute pigs

yummy ice cream

Image result for cute pigs

lets go shoping

Image result for cute animals

me pick me

Image result for cute animals
i love science and readingImage result for cute pictures of cats


Cats can be very shy cats,but some cats are very active. In door cats live to about 9 -15 and out door cats live to about 4-5. Cats are very nice to live with, there very fun to play with as well. There is over 500 million domestic cats in the world. Cats have a powerful night vision, allowing them to see at light levels  six times lower then what a human in order to see. Cats also an excellent  hearing and a powerful sense of smell. Cats spend a large time licking their coats  to keep them clean. Cats conserve  energy by sleeping for an average of 13 to 14 hours a day. Older cats can at times act aggressively  towards kittens.And cats cant taste sweetness.Feral cats are seen as pests and threats to native animals.Cats are one of, if not the most, popular pet in the world.Image result for cats