Wednesday 10 May 2017

Image result for pigpigs are very dirty animals.There are around 2 billion pigs in the world.Some people like to keep pigs as pets.Wild pigs are called boars,they are often hunted in the wild.Relative to their body size, pigs have small lungs.Pigs have an excellent sense of smell.Pigs are intelligent animals.Like humans, pigs are omnivores, meaning they eat both plants and other animals.A pigs nose is an important tool for finding food in the ground and sensing the world around them.Pigs can pass on a variety of diseases to humans.Image result for pig


  1. pigs are intelligent???? how????????

  2. because they can.... um i looked up about pig facts so they must be i guess

    1. ok you must have to do a lot of research for all the stuff on your blog! its really interesting reading about things i never knew about! mias blog is the same! (except different animals)
